12—16 March 2025

(29.02 – 03.03.2024)

· 38 ·

Tales from home

Group Exhibition

84 GHz Raum für Gestaltung, Georgenstraße 84, 80799 München, Germany

Eija Mustonen, 2023, detail Sleeves, Nickelsilver, Copper. Photo Jesse Pylsy


Opening: 29.02.2024, 18:00-22:00
Event duration: 29.02-03.03.2024, 12:00-19:00

The exhibition “Tales from Home” showcases the latest in Finnish jewelry art, featuring nine diverse artists exploring unique themes. Tiina Rajakallio taps into the universal allure of nature, emphasizing humanity in the forest. Sanna Nuutinen prompts contemplation on the intricate connection between humanity and the environment. Maria Kiialainen sparks discussions on the impact of living organisms and biological processes. Jussi Järvinen explores multispecies entanglements, gender, and sexuality. Sirja Knaapi captures cultural symbols, representing various Finnish aided signs. Minna Markkanen’s jewelry serves as wearable reflections on personal experiences, delving into themes like the human body and girlhood. Eija Mustonen’s hammered metalwork blends historical and contemporary elements, bridging the past and present. Helena Lehtinen transforms ordinary objects into unique pieces, exploring the beauty in everyday materials. Elli Hukka’s diverse portfolio pushes the boundaries of traditional jewelry artistry, ranging from contemporary pieces to textile wearable objects. The artists collectively offer a rich tapestry of perspectives, inviting viewers to engage with the multifaceted narratives within contemporary Finnish jewelry art.

The curated exhibition “Tales from Home” showcases the work of nine distinctive Finnish contemporary jewelry artists. Regardless of their diverse career stages, all have several years of active practice in the field. The exhibition weaves together a tapestry of perspectives in Finnish jewelry art, featuring individual themes, materials, and techniques that contribute to a cohesive showcase.



Elli Hukka, Jussi Järvinen, Maria Kiialainen, Sirja Knaapi, Helena Lehtinen, Minna Markkanen, Eija Mustonen, Sanna Nuutinen & Tiina Rajakallio.






















